10 Unbelievably Greedy Wedding Demands That Push All Limits

“We’re here today to laugh, cringe, and gasp at some of the most outrageous wedding demands ever! From pay-per-slice cakes to wish lists longer than a Christmas catalog, these wedding stories will make you thankful you never got that invite. Get ready for 10 wild tales of weddings where love comes at a steep price!

Weddings: a celebration of love, joy… and total chaos? You bet! We’ve gathered 10 unbelievable stories of matrimonial madness that will make ‘bridezilla’ sound tame. From greedy cousins to bizarre guest requests, these tales redefine the meaning of ‘I do.’ Grab your popcorn for these wedding disasters!

Vegas, Baby! And Don’t Forget the Unwanted Gift
My cousin Susy took the cake—literally—with her Vegas wedding. After sending out save-the-dates, she switched to a “small Vegas thing” due to budget cuts. Fair enough—until she sent out a registry notice to everyone who wasn’t invited! The kicker? I had paid for her maid of honor expenses at my wedding, but now she expected me to drop $500 on a kitchen mixer. Hard pass, Susy!

The Maid of Honor’s Dress Outshined the Wedding
I had a budget wedding with an $80 dress for me and a $30 gown for my maid of honor. Apparently, it wasn’t fancy enough, so my friend spent $100 on alterations. To top it off, when we went shoe shopping, I had to cover for her, only to hear, “I thought you were treating me!” If I knew, I would’ve suggested sneakers!

The VIP Wedding: Where Guests Were Sorted by Cake Type
At a friend’s wedding, guests were divided into two tiers: Tier 1 got a full banquet and open bar, while Tier 2 got leftovers and a cash bar. To add insult to injury, the VIPs enjoyed fondant cake, while the rest of us got grocery store sheet cake. And of course, there was a donation box to fund their honeymoon!

Cash-Only Wedding: When Love Comes with a Venmo Request
Imagine receiving an invite with no registry, just a request for cash. Not just any cash—large amounts. Unsurprisingly, most guests declined the invite. The couple? They didn’t even make it to their first anniversary. Turns out, money can’t buy love—or a lasting marriage.

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