10 Unbelievably Greedy Wedding Demands That Push All Limits

Mother-in-Law Drama: Banning Wedding Photos
My mother-in-law, Daisy, tried to ban wedding photos from being posted on social media because she didn’t want her family to see. After downsizing to an intimate elopement, I had to draw the line. “Sorry, Daisy, but those photos are going up!” Crisis averted, and the wedding went perfectly.

When Hair Drama Led to a Slapfest
My half-sister Linda insisted that all bridesmaids have identical hairstyles, even though we had different hair types. My mom tried to help by booking me at a local salon, leading to a huge fight. At the rehearsal dinner, Linda’s mom even slapped mine! Most of our family ended up skipping the wedding—over hair drama!

Destination Wedding Disaster: The Hotel Cost More Than the Wedding
Roger and I were all set for a destination wedding when it turned into a stateside affair due to military duty. Sounds cheaper, right? Wrong. The couple demanded everyone stay at an overpriced hotel, and after factoring in travel costs, we considered eloping just to avoid the financial strain.

Crowdfunding a Boat: Because Traditional Gifts Are Overrated
At a friend’s wedding, they decided to skip the usual registry and ask guests to contribute towards a luxury yacht. Yes, they wanted a boat! Needless to say, their grand dreams didn’t match the reality of their honeymoon destination.

The $1,000 Entry Fee—Yes, You Read That Right
When I opened an invite from an acquaintance, I was floored. She requested a minimum $1,000 cash gift per guest, with instructions to label each contribution. Needless to say, I sent my regrets—and no cash.

Admission Fee: Pay for a Slice of Cake
One wedding invite came with an actual price tag. This couple charged guests for everything, right down to the slice of cake. Not surprisingly, it was a disaster, and I hear they’re planning a vow renewal. Count me out!

There you have it—ten stories that’ll make you appreciate the simple things in life, like eloping! Got your own wedding chaos story? Share it in the comments!”

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