My entire existence turned out to be a fabrication. Read the full account below.
Jake and Nora faced numerous challenges trying to conceive. Since the beginning of their relationship, they harbored dreams of parenthood. After a long and arduous journey, their wish finally materialized.
Nora became pregnant with a baby girl. With each passing day, their anticipation to meet their precious bundle of joy grew.

When their baby girl entered the world, Jake and Nora were overwhelmed with joy. “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, it’s a baby girl!” exclaimed the nurse, presenting the newborn to Nora.
Overjoyed, Nora held her daughter, her heart brimming with love and gratitude. “Thank you, darling. Thank you so much for this miracle,” Jake expressed his gratitude to his wife. “We did this together, honey. I wouldn’t have gotten through that difficult pregnancy without your help,” Nora responded.

As they admired their miracle baby, the proud parents discussed potential names. “How about Hope?” suggested Nora, gently kissing the baby’s head.
“Hope?” Jake echoed, convinced it was the perfect name. “Hello, Hope, my darling baby girl. We’re going to love you so much.”
However, their joy was short-lived. Shortly after, the doctor delivered devastating news—Hope had suffered an unexpected cardiac arrest and couldn’t be revived.
Jake and Nora’s world shattered. “NO! That’s not possible! Bring the doctor back! He’s lying!” Nora protested, consumed by grief.
Left devastated, Jake and Nora left the hospital without Hope. Two years later, Nora succumbed to the pain of losing her child.
Years passed, but Jake remained haunted by grief. Every week, he visited Nora and Hope’s graves.

On the twentieth anniversary of Hope’s passing, Jake visited their graves with flowers, lamenting their absence. With no remaining family, Jake felt utterly alone in the world.
During his visit, he heard a familiar voice. Startled, he turned to see a young woman. “Nora?” he whispered, convinced he was hallucinating.
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