My Father Went Fishing with His Friends and Forgot My 18th Birthday

**Ryder’s 18th birthday was meant to be a joyous occasion, but his father’s absence overshadowed the day. The sting of his dad choosing a fishing trip over spending time with him was hard to ignore, but what happened next changed Ryder’s perspective.

I’m Ryder, and I recently turned 18. My life was pretty normal until I was seven, when the arguments between my parents began. I didn’t fully understand it then, but I could sense the tension. By the time I was eight, my dad had left. I vividly remember my mom sitting me down to explain, “Ryder, sweetie, your father won’t be living with us anymore. But you can still see him whenever you want, okay?”

“Did I do something wrong?” I asked, my heart sinking.

“No, honey. This isn’t your fault at all,” she reassured me, though I could see the tears in her eyes.

“Then why is Dad leaving?”

She sighed and said, “Sometimes grown-ups just can’t live together anymore. Your dad and I tried really hard, but things didn’t work out.”

“Can’t you try harder?” I pleaded.

“We did try, Ryder. But sometimes, the kindest thing is to live apart. We both love you very much, and that will never change.”

After the divorce, my mom worked tirelessly as an elementary school teacher to provide for me. I’ll always be grateful for that. But my dad? He became like a ghost—always busy with work, friends, and especially fishing. Every weekend, he’d disappear with his buddies, even when he knew I was supposed to visit. Despite everything, I still longed for his attention and approval, hoping one day he’d realize how much I needed him.

As my 18th birthday approached, I hoped he’d finally show up. I planned a small party with my mom and a few close friends and even texted Dad about it. His reply gave me hope: “Sounds great! I’ll try to be there.”

The day of the party arrived, and my mom went all out—decorating the house, baking my favorite cake, and even surprising me with a new guitar I’d wanted for months. Friends arrived, and the house was filled with laughter and excitement. But as the hours passed, there was still no sign of Dad. I kept checking my phone, but there was nothing. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and called him. When he picked up, I heard the sound of waves in the background.

“Dad, it’s my birthday,” I reminded him, trying to hide my disappointment.

“Oh, right. Happy birthday!” he said casually. “I’m out on the lake with the guys. I’ll catch you later, okay?”

I hung up, tears blurring my vision. I retreated to my room until my mom found me. She sat beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “I’m sorry, honey. You know how he is.”

“I know,” I whispered, trying to stay strong, but inside, I was shattered.

Continue reading on next page…

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