Baggage handler reveals why you should never tie a ribbon on your luggage

Have you ever found yourself squinting at the baggage carousel, trying to pick out your suitcase among a sea of nearly identical ones? It’s a common frustration for travelers, leading many to tie colorful ribbons or add unique markers to their luggage in hopes of making it easier to spot.

However, an airport worker is now advising against this popular practice, warning that these personal touches might cause more issues than they solve.

Keep reading to learn why using ribbons on your luggage might not be the best idea, and how packing marzipan could lead to unexpected delays!

The fear of losing luggage haunts even the most seasoned travelers. To prevent the nightmare of someone else mistakenly taking their bag—or the annoyance of endlessly watching their suitcase circle the conveyor belt—many people have started attaching bright ribbons to their bags. While this seems like a smart move, a baggage handler from Dublin Airport, named John, cautions that it could actually backfire.

Speaking to RSVP Live, John explained that these identifying ribbons can interfere with the scanning process in the baggage hall, potentially causing significant delays. “Ribbons tied onto suitcases can disrupt the automated scanning process,” John said. “If a bag can’t be scanned, it might have to be processed manually, increasing the risk of it missing the flight.”

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