Mom’s Epic Showdown After Sons’ Birthday Gifts Turn Out to Be a Prank

Murphy’s Law made an early appearance at my twin boys’ sixth birthday party. We had a pirate-themed basement set up for a day of fun, but chaos showed up right on time.

My sister Kim, notorious for her pranks, arrived uninvited, stirring tension. Memories of her past stunts, like the time she ruined my wedding dress with slime, flashed through my mind. Despite the uneasy feeling, I let her in.

Kim came with big, beautifully wrapped presents. Colin and Daniel excitedly tore them open, only to find them empty. “Mom, there’s nothing inside!” Daniel said, disappointed.

Kim chuckled and said, “Relax, Miranda. It’s just a joke!” The boys’ smiles faded, and my patience started wearing thin.

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