I Caused Yelling And Crying at My Boyfriend’s Mom’s Birthday Because She Kept Calling Me by the Wrong Name

My Boyfriend’s Mother Kept Calling Me by His Ex’s Name—What I Did Next Might Have Cost Me Everything

For a while, I tried to ignore it, but my boyfriend’s mother constantly calling me by his ex-girlfriend’s name became too much to bear. Eventually, I found the right moment to stand up for myself, though I’m not sure if it was the best move for our relationship.

Hi, I’m Leylah, and I’ve been in a relationship with Todd for five wonderful years. Everything was great between us—except for one thing: his mom, Tammy, couldn’t seem to stop calling me “Laura,” which happened to be the middle name of Todd’s ex-girlfriend, Emma.

Todd and Emma had been together for years, and she was practically part of his family. So, when they broke up, it wasn’t just hard on Todd—his mother especially struggled with it. I could tell that Tammy had envisioned Emma being her future daughter-in-law.

At first, I thought Tammy just needed time to adjust, and I didn’t take her slip-ups personally. But the more it happened, the harder it became to ignore. Todd would gently correct her each time, but the “accidental” mix-up continued for months. Still, I tried to be patient, thinking she would eventually stop.

That all changed at Tammy’s 60th birthday party.

A few weeks before the event, Tammy assigned everyone in the family something to bring for the celebration. Todd and I were both there, helping with the planning when one of his sisters mentioned my cooking. We were having a nice chat until Tammy, without hesitation, said, “Why don’t we let Laura make the birthday cake this year?”

Everyone fell silent for a moment. I smiled politely, but I had finally had enough. Instead of correcting her, I played along. “Sure! That’s a great idea,” I replied, already planning how to handle the situation.

Fast forward to the party. Everything was going smoothly, and when it came time for the cake, Tammy began looking around expectantly. That’s when I saw my chance.

Continue reading on next page….

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