My MIL Insisted on Being Present for My Home Birth, But Then She Slipped Out of the Room, and I Heard Strange Voices Outside

When my mother-in-law insisted on being present for my home birth, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. Each time she slipped out of the room, my suspicions grew. But nothing could have prepared me for what I eventually discovered.

From the moment I told my husband, Josh, that I wanted a home birth, he was excited. But his mother, Elizabeth, took it to another level. She was over the moon.

“Nancy, this is amazing!” she exclaimed with excitement. “I must be there to help! I’ll do whatever you need!”

I shot Josh a look, hoping he’d step in, but he didn’t.

“I’m not sure, Elizabeth,” I hesitated. “Home births can be intense, and I’ll need peace and quiet.”

Elizabeth dismissed my concerns. “Don’t worry! I’ve been through this myself. I’ll be the best support you could ask for.”

Reluctantly, I agreed. Elizabeth beamed with joy. “You won’t regret it!” she squealed, hugging me tightly.

But I wasn’t so sure.

On the big day, my midwife, Rosie, was setting up when Elizabeth arrived, bags in hand.

“I’m here!” she announced loudly. “Where do you need me?”

A contraction hit, and I barely managed to speak. “Just put your things down,” I gasped, focusing on the pain.

As I pushed through the wave of discomfort, I noticed Elizabeth pacing nervously. Something wasn’t right.

“You okay?” I asked, concerned.

“Oh, yes! You’re doing great!” she replied before slipping out of the room, mumbling about getting water.

Josh looked worried. “Should I say something?”

I shook my head. “It’s fine. She’s probably just anxious.”

But as labor progressed, her odd behavior continued. She kept popping in and out, each time more flustered. During a particularly intense contraction, I heard something strange.

“Josh, do you hear that?” I asked between breaths.

He listened for a moment. “Is that… music?”

I nodded. “And… voices?”

Josh kissed my forehead before leaving to investigate. When he returned, he looked pale.

“What’s going on?” I asked, dreading the answer.

He hesitated. “Mom’s throwing a party. In our living room.”

I blinked, sure I misheard. “A what?”

“A party,” he repeated, his voice tight. “There are at least a dozen people out there.”

Anger surged through me. Ignoring Rosie’s protests, I struggled to my feet. “I need to see this.”

With Josh’s help, I made my way to the living room. What I saw left me speechless. The room was filled with people, drinks in hand, and a large banner reading “WELCOME BABY!” hung on the wall.

Elizabeth stood in the middle, playing hostess, surrounded by strangers. She hadn’t even noticed us.

“What is going on?” I shouted, cutting through the chatter.

The room went silent, and everyone turned to stare at me. Elizabeth spun around, her face drained of color.

“Nancy! You should be resting,” she said, trying to deflect.

“What is this?” I demanded. “This is a home birth, not a party!”

“We’re just celebrating,” she said defensively.

“Celebrating? I’m in labor! This isn’t the time for a party!”

“Oh, come now. You won’t even notice us. We’re here to support you!”

I clenched my teeth, fighting through another contraction. “This isn’t support. It’s chaos.”

Josh stepped in, his voice firm. “Everyone needs to leave. Now.”

Continue reading on next page…

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