Entitled Mom Breaks My Daughters iPad on a Flight, And Regrets It Fast

Flying with a five-year-old can be a challenge, but that day, things were going surprisingly well. My daughter, Ella, was happily watching a show on her iPad, headphones snug over her little ears, completely absorbed.

Across the aisle, another boy around her age wasn’t as content. His eyes kept darting toward Ella’s screen, his fidgeting growing more restless. Then came the whining.

“Mom, I want to watch too!”

His mother—let’s call her Entitled Mom (EM)—sighed dramatically before tapping me on the shoulder.

“We’re being responsible and not giving our son any screen time this trip,” she said, her tone dripping with superiority. “Could you put the iPad away? It’s upsetting him.”

I blinked, caught off guard. “No, sorry. My daughter’s calm and enjoying her show.”

EM’s smile vanished instantly.

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