Embarking on motherhood is a profound and singular responsibility, one that stretches all the way back to the origins of humanity.
Becoming a mother can happen unexpectedly or after years of hope and anticipation. Regardless of the circumstances, most would agree that bringing a child into the world is always a blessing.
In general, none of us can pinpoint precisely when we might become parents. Even if we actively try to make it happen—assuming that is our desire—life is, and always will be, unpredictable.
Some women welcome children in their teenage years. Others experience pregnancy later in life, and still others, unfortunately, face obstacles that mean they might never carry a baby of their own.
There is no “wrong” or “right” way to begin motherhood. Every child deserves to be celebrated, and every mother should be acknowledged for the incredible physical and emotional journey it takes to create another human being.
Yet some women—such as María del Carmen del Bousada, from Cádiz, Spain—are criticized, and even face outright hostility, because of the timing or manner of their pregnancies.
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