Awkward Dining Moment – Mother-in-Law Insists I Cover the Entire Bill Due to My Large Steak Order

While it was a dish designed for sharing, it wasn’t the most expensive item on the menu. The woman knew she and her husband would be splitting the bill, so she felt comfortable ordering it.

Mother-In-Law’s Comments and Reactions

“My mother-in-law started making comments about how I shouldn’t order more than I can eat, saying even her husband wouldn’t be able to finish the dish, let alone someone my size,” the woman recalled. She smiled politely and assured her that she would take any leftovers home if necessary.

However, the woman was so hungry that she finished her entire meal and was ready for dessert. At this point, her mother-in-law became upset, accusing her of “putting on a show” and seeking attention. She claimed that a woman of her size shouldn’t eat so much and that her behavior was making others uncomfortable. She then demanded that her son and daughter-in-law cover the entire bill, as she didn’t want to pay that much.

The woman stood her ground, stating, “We are absolutely not covering the entire bill since it was meant to be split equally,” and reminded her mother-in-law of the more expensive dishes she had ordered, including an appetizer.

While the dinner didn’t end on a good note, the woman’s husband supported her decision. However, his family continued to make subtle remarks through social media posts and even sent her articles about overeating.

The woman’s Reddit post garnered several supportive comments. One commenter humorously suggested that she should have taken her last bite of steak while making direct eye contact with her mother-in-law.

“I wouldn’t go to dinner with someone who wants to police my food and then expects me to subsidize their more expensive choices,” another commenter added.

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