Dog Barks at Coffin during Funeral, Suspicious Son Opens It and Finds It Empty – Story of the Day

Ryan’s curiosity was piqued when his dog, Bella, suddenly dashed into the church and started barking at his father’s casket. Noticing Bella’s unusual behavior, Ryan decided to check on the casket, only to find that his father’s body was not there.

As Ryan stepped out of the car in front of the church, he felt a profound sense of unease. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye to his father. “It feels like we can’t even give Dad a proper farewell,” he thought. But Bella’s persistent barking drew his attention away.

Turning back to his car, Ryan saw that Bella was unusually restless.

“Bella!” he called, signaling for her to stay calm. She complied but continued to whine softly. Ryan reassured her with a gentle pat through the open car window.

With a heavy heart, Ryan walked into the church, leaving Bella behind. Inside, the mood was somber. His father Arnold’s casket was in place, closed tightly due to precautions related to Arnold’s illness.

Ryan sat beside his mother, feeling the weight of the moment. Arnold was to be cremated rather than buried, given the circumstances.

As the service concluded and the congregation began singing the final hymn, Bella’s barking suddenly echoed through the church. She had jumped onto the casket, knocking over the flower arrangement and barking loudly.

Bella’s intense gaze at Ryan, combined with her alert posture, made him anxious.

“Let’s check the casket,” Ryan said, his voice carrying a note of urgency.

Surprised murmurs filled the room as Ryan approached the casket and opened it—only to find it empty.

“Where’s my brother?” Ryan’s uncle asked, bewildered, looking at the funeral director.

Ryan’s mother, overwhelmed, fainted. Ryan caught her and quickly took her to the hospital.

Later at his mother’s house, Ryan contacted the police.

“We confirmed your father’s death and that the remains were released to the funeral home,” Detective Bradshaw said. “Was your father involved in anything unusual?”

Ryan had distanced himself from his father’s business to focus on his own dog training center, but he knew Arnold would not have jeopardized his reputation.

Detective Bradshaw promised to keep Ryan informed and left. Not wanting to wait, Ryan went to the morgue for answers.

“The coroner resigned? And there’s no replacement yet?” Ryan asked, confused by the nurse’s response. When he requested to see his father’s file, the nurse declined, citing policy.

Determined, Ryan discreetly left a tip for the nurse and managed to enter the coroner’s office. He searched for Arnold’s file but found nothing.

Frustrated, Ryan’s phone buzzed with a message from his father’s lawyer, Mr. Stevens, asking for an urgent meeting.

At his father’s office, Ryan discovered that Arnold’s email inbox was empty—someone had deleted all the messages.

“Ryan! Good to see you,” Mr. Stevens greeted, closing the door behind him.

“Has anyone been using this computer?” Ryan asked.

“No one,” Mr. Stevens replied, puzzled.

Ryan noticed two figurines missing from Arnold’s collection.

“Oh, Arnold took them home,” Mr. Stevens explained. “He was trying to complete his set, but the owner of the third figurine was asking for a high price.”

Ryan was certain the figurines weren’t at his parents’ house; he had already checked.

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