Dog Barks at Coffin during Funeral, Suspicious Son Opens It and Finds It Empty – Story of the Day

Mr. Stevens informed Ryan that the company was in financial trouble, with investors concerned about Arnold’s recent behavior. He also hinted at a potential romantic involvement between Arnold and his new secretary, Miss Pearson.

Feeling betrayed, Ryan wanted to speak with Miss Pearson immediately but was advised by Mr. Stevens to wait to avoid damaging Arnold’s reputation.

After addressing the company’s issues, Ryan decided to follow Miss Pearson. She was his only lead. He trailed her to a suburban home and waited outside.

Hours later, Ryan watched as Miss Pearson left her house. Instead of following her, he decided to investigate her home. He discreetly entered through the garage and found a Manila envelope containing Arnold’s life insurance policy for $7 million, with Miss Pearson listed as the beneficiary. Ryan took the document to the police.

“This is important evidence,” Detective Bradshaw said. “We’ll investigate and question Miss Pearson.”

Detective Bradshaw soon approached Ryan with urgent news: Miss Pearson had booked a flight to Morocco, and the plane was set to depart soon.

Ryan insisted on joining the police at the airport. He slipped through security and reached the boarding gate, where Detective Bradshaw called out, “We’re looking for a woman in a white shirt. Please step out of line!”

Ryan was relieved—until the woman turned around and wasn’t Miss Pearson. After hours of searching, it became clear that Miss Pearson had already left.

Frustrated but determined, Ryan realized his father was still alive. He recalled the missing figurines and decided to contact the collector who owned the third piece.

“How much for the figurine?” Ryan asked the collector, Mr. Frederick.

“$750,000,” Mr. Frederick replied.

“That’s quite a bit more than expected,” Ryan noted.

“Then don’t buy it. The price is firm,” Mr. Frederick said.

Determined, Ryan agreed to the price and arranged the funds by selling shares in his father’s company.

“Ryan, you’ll lose your controlling stake,” Mr. Stevens cautioned.

“I understand,” Ryan replied, “but this is crucial.”

With the money, Ryan bought the figurine and organized an auction to draw his father out.

On auction day, Ryan watched from the back of the room as the bidding escalated. When the bidding reached its peak, a voice called out, “One million dollars!”

Ryan froze—it was his father’s voice.

Arnold stood, removing his hat, and the room went silent. The auctioneer declared the sale, and Arnold headed for the exit. Ryan and Detective Bradshaw intercepted him.

“Ryan? You set me up!” Arnold exclaimed.

“I had to, Dad. You faked your death and left us in turmoil for your own escape!” Ryan confronted him.

Arnold admitted he wanted to start a new life with Miss Pearson. He had faked his death and taken out a large insurance policy to fund it.

“You taught me to do what is right,” Ryan said. “It’s disappointing you couldn’t follow your own advice, but your actions led to this.”

Detective Bradshaw assured Ryan that Miss Pearson would be found soon. As Arnold was led away, Ryan felt a mix of relief and disappointment.

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