Homesteading, a lifestyle focused on independence and off-grid living, is gaining traction as rising inflation makes self-sufficiency more appealing. Meet Mama V, who left her city life behind to live in an old mini-school bus. However, as her furry family grew, she needed more space.

Fortunately, a generous neighbor offered her an abandoned camper, which Mama V gladly accepted, affectionately calling it “ugly but mine.” With some repairs and the help of friends, she prepared the trailer for her new chapter.

The trailer had everything she needed, and with Jayme’s help in cleaning, Mama V stocked up and settled into her cozy new home. She envisioned a simple life, surrounded by nature.

Equipped with two full propane tanks, a kitchen, twin beds, a bathroom, and a utility tracker, Mama V and her pets found comfort in their new surroundings. She dreams of starting a garden and building a peaceful life in the nearby woods.

Grateful to her neighbors and friends for this opportunity, Mama V looks forward to the future in her new home.