Can You Find All 17 Dolphins? Test Your Skills with This Fun Brain Teaser!
Optical illusions and brain teasers are a fun way to challenge yourself and keep your mind sharp. These puzzles often make you take a second look to understand what you’re really seeing. This brain teaser features adorable dolphins that are sure to perplex your mind.

How many dolphins are in the picture? Surprisingly, there are 17 dolphins. Some are hidden in plain sight, while others are more inconspicuous, camouflaged within each other. The first row has 5 dolphins, the second row has 6, and the third row also has 6.

At first glance, you might see only a few dolphins. However, after a few seconds, your eyes and brain start registering more, until eventually, all 17 become apparent. It’s common for people to miss a few dolphins initially. If you did, don’t worry—there are more teasers you can try.
Try Another Teaser
Here’s another example: a beautiful image that seems to have only a few tigers at first glance.

There are actually 16 tigers in the picture.

Did you miss some tigers? Try again with squares!

If you guessed 40 squares, you’re correct! This brain teaser was shared on WhatsApp, a platform known for connecting people internationally and offering a variety of brain teasers and puzzles for users to challenge each other.
How Optical Illusions Work
Most people feel a bit stumped when encountering a brain teaser or optical illusion, and for good reason. These puzzles help keep our minds sharp and healthy by making our brains work harder to make sense of the images. According to Inside Science, “When you look at something, what you’re really seeing is the light that bounced off of it and entered your eye, which converts the light into electrical impulses that your brain can turn into an image you can use.”
This process takes about a tenth of a second, but your eyes receive a constant stream of light, an incredible amount of information. It’s like trying to take a sip of water from a firehose. So, your brain takes shortcuts, simplifying what you see to help you concentrate on what’s important. Optical illusions fool our brains by taking advantage of these shortcuts.
Similar but Different
While optical illusions and brain teasers both work to challenge the mind, they’re not exactly the same. Optical illusions are graphic puzzles that hide something in the image, making you slow down and focus on the details. Brain teasers, on the other hand, require logic and reasoning to solve.
Both are excellent tools for keeping the mind sharp. Plus, they’re a fun and lighthearted way to challenge the people around you. If you enjoyed this teaser, check out more fun challenges and puzzles in the articles below!