I Took My New Boyfriend to Our Family Dinner — My Dad Immediately Called the Cops When He Saw Him

When Alice brought her boyfriend, Kevin, to meet her parents, she hoped for a nice family dinner. But the evening took a shocking turn when her father locked Kevin in the basement and called the police, sending Alice’s world into turmoil.

It had been a long time coming. Kevin had put off meeting Alice’s parents for months, always saying work was too demanding. “I can’t leave the shop today, babe. It’s just too busy,” he would say. Since he was a mechanic—at least, that’s what he told her—Alice didn’t question it.

But today was different. Kevin had taken the day off, and Alice was buzzing with excitement. “Mom’s making her famous lasagna,” she said as they drove. “You’re going to love it.” Kevin smiled, but there was a subtle tension behind his expression. His dark hair was neatly combed, and he wore a nice shirt, ready to impress her parents.

When they arrived at her parents’ house, Alice’s dad greeted them at the door. There was a strange look in his eyes when he saw Kevin. “Dad, this is Kevin,” Alice introduced with a hopeful smile.

Her dad shook Kevin’s hand, but his grip was firm, and his eyes never left Kevin’s face. “Come inside,” he said, his voice oddly stern.

Inside, Alice’s mom was her usual warm self, setting the table and greeting Kevin with a smile. “You must be Kevin!” she said. “Dinner’s almost ready.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Thompson,” Kevin replied, polite but reserved.

“Please, call me Jane,” Alice’s mom said, cheerful as always. But her dad remained distant.

“Kevin, why don’t I show you around the house?” her dad suddenly suggested. “We can start with the basement.”

“Dad, the basement?” Alice asked, confused.

“It’s fine, honey. We’ll be right back,” her dad reassured her, leading Kevin downstairs.

Alice watched them disappear, a sense of unease rising inside her. A few minutes passed, and then suddenly, she heard the door slam shut. Her heart pounded.

“Dad? Kevin? What’s going on?” Alice called out, running toward the basement door.

“Call the police!” her dad shouted from the other side. “He’s not who he says he is!”

“Dad, what are you talking about?” Alice was in disbelief, her mind racing.

“Just do it, Alice!” her dad yelled.

With shaking hands, Alice dialed 911. “Please, send help. My dad locked my boyfriend in the basement. He says Kevin’s dangerous.”

Continue reading on next page…

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