If You Ever Spot This Insect, Get Rid of It Immediately!

The lanternfly, scientifically known as Lycorma delicatula, is an invasive pest that should be removed immediately upon sight. Native to China, it was first detected in the U.S. in Pennsylvania in 2014 and has since spread, causing serious agricultural and ecological harm.

Lanternflies feed on the sap of various plants and trees, weakening them and promoting the growth of sooty mold from the sticky honeydew they excrete. This mold further damages plants by blocking photosynthesis.

Identifying lanternflies is straightforward. Adults are roughly an inch long, with gray wings adorned with black spots and red and black underwings.

Nymphs start as black with white spots and turn red as they mature. They use their needle-like mouthparts to pierce plants and extract sap, draining the plant’s vitality.

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