‘It’s a Pity Your Late Dad’s Not Here,’ Says Bride’s Mom and a Familiar Man Approaches — Story of the Day

On the big day, as Stacey delivered her speech, she couldn’t hold back her tears. “I’m so happy to see my daughter marry the man she loves,” she began, choking up. “It’s a shame her father isn’t here to see this. I hope he’s watching over us and blessing this union.”

Just as Stacey prepared to leave the stage, a voice called out from behind, “Of course I would! It’s my daughter’s wedding.” Turning in disbelief, Stacey saw Mark standing there. “Mark? But I thought you were dead!”

Mark smiled and approached the stage. “That’s a long story,” he said into the microphone. “Forgive my wife for her misunderstanding. Mary has always had her father’s love, and I wish the newlyweds a happy life together.”

After Mark finished his speech and stepped down, Stacey pulled him aside, tears streaming down her face. “How are you here? Why didn’t you contact me? I was so worried!”

Mark hugged her tightly. “I didn’t want to interfere with your life. I only recently learned about Tyler’s passing and Mary’s wedding. I was concerned about you and decided to come.”

Stacey’s heart raced. “But what about the story of your death? Sandra said you were gone.”

Mark explained, “Sandra was envious and lied. I did survive an attempt on my life. I’m sorry for the confusion.”

Relieved, Stacey clung to Mark, her emotions overwhelming her. “You won’t leave me again, will you?”

“Of course not,” Mark promised, holding her close. Then he asked, “How about we make this official?”

Before Stacey could respond, Mark kissed her passionately, and the guests erupted in cheers.

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