Man Snaps Photo Of Police Officer’s Secret Meeting On Side Of Road, Let’s See Why

Troyer added that these types of incidents are actually common in his department, which prides itself on compassion and respect, but he appreciates the scene being shared nonetheless. “It’s nice for the police who handle their job with the utmost passion and respect in the field to get a break with some good, positive news for a change,” he said. Such integrity isn’t unique to Pierce County either. Across the country in Jackson, Tennessee, a similar scene was captured by Elizabeth Mlan, and it’s something she will never forget.

After spotting a homeless man sitting at the side of the street with his backpack, Elizabeth felt sorry for him because he looked hungry. But before she knew it, a police car stopped, and an officer approached the man. “Imagine sitting on the side of the road with everything you own fitting in a backpack,” Elizabeth said in a Facebook post with the picture. “You’re lonely and hungry.

You put your head down to try and forget the scream of hunger echoing in your mind. Then you hear the sound of an engine stop,” she wrote, describing what she witnessed. “You look up to see a uniformed officer walking towards you. Your mind flutters, thinking of everything you might be doing wrong. Suddenly, this officer sits down, pulls out lunch, and not only takes away your hunger but your loneliness too.”

Elizabeth didn’t know the officer, but she knows he made a difference not only to the homeless man but to her and the way she thinks as well. “This is the side of law enforcement no one sees,” she said, reminding others that we are all human and deserve love and respect. “So share this,” she continued. “Show this officer that his act of kindness didn’t go unnoticed.” Indeed, these officers are excellent examples of what it really means to protect and serve. Hopefully, their generosity and selflessness help others see what most cops are all about. Many are more than willing to sit with members of their community on a personal level, offering not only their service but their friendship too.

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