Mother With Newborn Hears Noise, Sees Cop Running From Her Home

Rachel was nearly in tears and very thankful. Although the officer doesn’t want any praise and wishes to remain anonymous, Rachel and Ryan are beyond touched by the service of the kind officer. Of course, she also managed to snap a few photos of the officer as he was walking away from the home, one of the many times while going back and forth mowing the lawn.

Ryan says his wife tried to turn down the deputy’s offer, but he insisted. “I can’t express enough of my gratitude for this man in blue,” Ryan said. “It’s small in nature but was a huge help to my wife today.”

“I’m sure from what we gather from people who know him, this is just an everyday thing for him. He basically does something like this every day,” Ryan concluded.

The Madison County Sheriff’s Office has since confirmed that the man in the image is one of their officers. They posted the image on Twitter with the description reading, “MCSO deputy helping a new mom with a baby by mowing her lawn, well beyond the call of duty. She was very thankful.”

Sometimes we all need a helping hand in our daily lives. It’s great to see that when Rachel’s power of need came around, there was a complete stranger willing to step in and help. The Brindleys hope this good deed will make people see law enforcement in a positive light. With all of the negative headlines surrounding police officers these days, it’s so wonderful to read about the normally unknown acts of kindness.

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