My Dad Was the Finest Man I Ever Knew, Here’s Why

My siblings and I sat with the minister to plan our father’s funeral. As we exchanged ideas, the conversation paused for a moment, and I said, “Dad was the finest man I ever knew.” My siblings nodded in agreement—he was the finest man they knew too.

What made him the finest man?

Dad taught us the importance of truly listening. You can see it in this (poor quality) photo below. Dad is hanging on to every word Mom is saying.

He also showed us the power of giving. Every Sunday morning before church, Dad would quietly sit at his desk, write a check, and place it in the offering envelope. He didn’t wait for us to notice—it was simply part of his routine, but it left a lasting impact on us.

Dad taught us the value of service. He and Mom volunteered countless times in various places. They helped clean up after hurricanes, working tirelessly in the wake of destruction.

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