My Ex-husband Gifted Our Kid a Rocking Horse – When I Saw What Was Inside, I Called My Lawyer

When Genevieve’s ex-husband, Anthony, brought their son a large rocking horse, her instincts immediately told her something wasn’t right. Anthony rarely did anything without a hidden motive, especially when it came to their son, Ethan. Despite her unease, Genevieve chose to keep her concerns to herself.

Ethan was thrilled with the new toy, as he always was, but Genevieve couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more to this gift than met the eye. When Anthony suddenly canceled their planned pizza outing, her suspicions grew stronger.

In the days that followed, Ethan became inseparable from the rocking horse. However, strange noises soon started coming from the toy. At first, Genevieve thought it was just the creaking of the old wood, but the clicking sound grew louder and more persistent. One night, unable to ignore it any longer, she decided to investigate.

To her shock, she found a hidden compartment inside the horse, containing a tiny voice recorder. The realization hit her hard—Anthony was trying to gather evidence against her to challenge their custody arrangement.

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