My Husband Left Me for My High School Friend After I Miscarried, Three Years Later, I Saw Them at a Gas Station and Couldnt Stop Grinning

The Consequences of Betrayal
When my husband, Michael, started becoming distant, I turned to my best friend, Anna, for reassurance. She told me I was imagining things, that he was just stressed. But my gut told me otherwise. Three years later, fate handed me the perfect view of karma in action.

I used to think betrayal was something that happened to other people—a dramatic tale you’d stumble upon in a Reddit thread or overhear at a coffee shop. Not to me. Not to us.

For five years, Michael and I built a life together. It wasn’t glamorous, but it was ours—movie nights curled up on the couch, weekend coffee runs, and inside jokes that no one else would ever understand.

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