My MIL and Her Friends Ate Our $1000 Wedding Cake the Night before Our Wedding, So I Taught Her a Lesson

Just before cutting the cake, I took a deep breath and stepped up to the microphone. “Thank you all for being here today,” I began, my voice steady. “I have something to share before we celebrate with this beautiful cake…”

The room fell silent, all eyes on me. I signaled to the technician, who played a video on the screen. The footage showed Linda and her friends eating the original cake and making snide comments about me.

Gasps echoed around the room as everyone watched. Linda’s face turned red, and she looked around, desperate for an escape. I calmly explained why I had installed the camera, knowing I needed to be prepared for anything.

The guests murmured in shock, glancing between Linda and the screen. Linda’s friends tried to slip away, but the attention was already on them. Despite the setback, I reassured everyone that we now had a beautiful new cake thanks to my amazing friend Sarah.

But this wasn’t over. I saw Alex making his way toward Linda, his face flushed with anger. He reached her just as she was trying to blend into the crowd.

“Mom, how could you?” Alex’s voice was loud enough to silence nearby conversations. “You ate our wedding cake and tried to sabotage Emily’s big day? This isn’t a joke!”

Linda tried to laugh it off. “Oh, Alex, it was just a bit of fun. No harm done, right?”

“No harm done?” Alex’s voice rose. “You ruined a thousand-dollar cake and caused Emily so much stress. This isn’t funny. It’s cruel!”

The guests watched in stunned silence, their eyes shifting between Alex and Linda. I felt a pang of sympathy for Alex, having to confront his own mother like this. But it needed to be done.

I quickly texted a waiter, and moments later, the caterers wheeled out a beautifully decorated cake. Linda and her friends eyed it suspiciously. The caterers placed it on a separate table, away from the main dessert.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” I announced, getting everyone’s attention once more. “We have a special treat for a select few guests.”

The caterers began serving slices of Styrofoam cake to Linda and her friends. Each slice had a small, elegant note attached. As Linda picked up her piece, she read the note aloud: “For those with truly tasteless appetites.”

Her face turned beet red, and the room erupted in laughter. Linda’s friends tried to hide their embarrassment, but it was too late. Even Linda’s husband, William, couldn’t help but chuckle.

As the guests continued to cheer and celebrate, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Alex standing there, a proud but sad smile on his face.

“You handled that perfectly,” he said, pulling me into a hug. “It had to be done, but I’m sorry it came to this. I wish things were different. Mom shouldn’t have gone to such an extent.”

I hugged him back, feeling a surge of love and gratitude. “Thank you, Alex. For always supporting me.”

The rest of the evening was filled with laughter, dancing, and joy. Despite everything, our wedding day turned out better than I could have imagined, and I was glad that Linda’s antics couldn’t touch the happiness Alex and I shared.

What would you have done?

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