My Mother-In-Law Doesn’t Want to Eat Thanksgiving Dinner I Cook, Plans to Bring Her Own Meals

A woman eagerly prepared for Thanksgiving, spending a month carefully crafting the menu and acquiring all the necessary ingredients for a variety of dishes. Her excitement, however, took a hit when her husband revealed that his mother intended to bring her own dinner to the event.

On November 23, 2022, a 32-year-old woman shared her story on Reddit’s “AITA” forum, seeking opinions on her reaction. She had planned to host Thanksgiving at her house, investing time and effort into creating a special menu that included both traditional favorites and unique dishes.

Despite her husband’s support during the preparation, his unexpected announcement about his mother’s dinner choice left her perplexed. She questioned the need for a separate meal, given the ample food she had prepared.

Her husband defended his mother’s decision by labeling her as a “grade A picky eater” who might not like what had been prepared. The woman found this reasoning unreasonable and felt that it implied her efforts were inadequate. She was concerned that her mother-in-law’s separate dinner would publicly criticize her cooking and create an uncomfortable atmosphere.

The woman saw the request for a separate meal as rude and disrespectful, given the time, money, and effort she had invested. She told her husband that if his mother couldn’t appreciate the meal she had prepared, she was welcome to stay home.

Her husband accused her of being insensitive and ruining the holiday. The woman, however, wanted to enjoy the company of friends and family who would appreciate her efforts rather than deal with negativity.

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