My Partner Learned I Rent Out the House My Dad Gifted Me & Demands 50 Percent of the Money

Despite her apologies, the boyfriend continued to express his dissatisfaction and eventually gave her the silent treatment. Feeling the relationship was unsalvageable, she asked her father to be nearby when she confronted her boyfriend about his behavior and his unreasonable demand for half of her rental income.

During their conversation, her boyfriend insisted she owed him an apology and questioned her refusal to share her income. He argued that if she wasn’t renting out for profit, she shouldn’t mind giving the money away. He even suggested she donate half the rent to a charity for housing if she was so inclined.

The confrontation escalated with the boyfriend insulting her, threatening to expose her to her friends, and even attempting to damage the property. At this point, her father intervened, and the boyfriend declared he wanted nothing to do with either of them anymore.

Reflecting on the incident, the woman considered changing her locks and moved on from the relationship, supported by the encouragement of several online commenters who agreed with her decision.

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