My Relatives Started Complaining about My Wife’s Meals at Our Monthly Family Dinners, So We Decided to Secretly Test Them

My wife, Megan, always poured her heart into preparing our family’s monthly dinners, but instead of gratitude, she was met with constant criticism from my relatives. After seeing her hurt time and again, I decided to uncover the real reason behind their harsh comments. What I found out broke my heart.

Family dinners had always been an important tradition for us, passed down from my grandmother, who believed sharing meals brought everyone closer together. Growing up, my parents continued this tradition, making each monthly dinner a special occasion. As adults, my siblings and I took turns hosting, and when Megan and I started hosting, she was excited to contribute.

Megan loves cooking, and it became her way of taking part in the family tradition. But from the very first dinner she prepared, things went downhill.

“I think it’s a bit bland,” my sister Angela remarked, pushing her plate away.

My brother, Dan, chimed in, “The chicken’s dry.”

Even my mom added, “Maybe you could cut back on the seasoning next time.”

Megan was heartbroken. That night, she cried, despite my attempts to comfort her. I reassured her that her cooking was great, but she felt discouraged. After some convincing, she agreed to try again.

The next dinner, she put even more effort into perfecting the dishes, making my mom’s favorite roasted chicken and Angela’s go-to pasta. But again, the feedback was cold. Angela said the pasta tasted off, and my mom discreetly spit out the chicken, offering Megan her recipe instead. Megan’s silent tears afterward were more than I could bear.

That’s when I realized something was wrong. Their criticism didn’t seem to be about the food. Determined to get to the bottom of it, I came up with a plan. At the next dinner, Megan would still cook, but we’d tell my family that I had made the meal.

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