My Relatives Started Complaining about My Wifes Meals at Our Monthly Family Dinners, So We Decided to Secretly Test Them

Despite the hurtful comments, I convinced Megan to give it another shot. She cooked dishes she knew my family liked, but the criticism came again, even though the food was delicious. I couldn’t understand why they were being so cruel until I overheard my parents making unkind remarks about Megan. That’s when I realized it wasn’t about the food—it was about her.

At the next dinner, I decided to test my theory. We told my family I had cooked the meal, but Megan had actually prepared everything. To my shock, they praised the food, calling it the best they’d ever had. When I revealed that Megan had made it, their expressions told me everything—they had been unfair to her from the start.

That night, I made a decision: we were done with the monthly dinners. I couldn’t let Megan be disrespected any longer. Family traditions didn’t matter if they hurt the person I loved most. My family tried to change my mind, but I stood by Megan. She deserved better, and it was time to prioritize our own love and support over outdated customs.

Do you think I made the right choice?

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