My son was ashamed of me and said: ’I don’t want people to think we came together,’ so I repaid him in the same manner

If you’re a parent of a teenager and find yourself in a similar situation, consider these strategies:

Don’t Take It Personally: Remember, you were once a teenager too. Adolescence is a tumultuous period, and such behavior is a natural part of it. Your child’s actions aren’t a reflection of your worth as a parent.

Avoid Conflict: While respectful communication is important, there may be times when your child expresses themselves inappropriately. Instead of immediately reprimanding them, consider ending the conversation until emotions have cooled.

Give Them Attention and Affection on Their Terms: The more you push to be close, the more they might push back. To build a better relationship with your teen, offer them some of the autonomy they crave. Let them decide when and where they’d like to spend time with you.

Talk to Other Parents: Stay connected with other parents who are also raising teenagers. Sharing experiences can provide valuable insights and support.

Remember How You Felt at Their Age: Practicing empathy can help you understand your child’s perspective and realize that their actions aren’t personal attacks. Reflecting on your own teenage years can serve as a helpful reminder of this common dynamic.

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