People often turn to the internet for answers when they encounter unusual situations. When online searches don’t yield results, turning to online communities for help can be the next step.
Recently, a woman discovered something peculiar in her garden and sought help online to identify it. The object in question resembled what some might describe as an alien: it had an oblong head, a slender body, and long, reed-like limbs in place of arms and legs.
Initially, she wondered if it could be a type of flower but soon dismissed that idea. Turning to her friends for assistance, she found that they were just as baffled. She then took to Reddit for answers, posting in a group dedicated to mushroom enthusiasts, but no one could identify it.
The woman also shared the image in the “Alien Bodies” forum, where users speculated without reaching a consensus. Some of the responses included:
User Ok-Bus-2410 advised caution, commenting, “Wear gloves and avoid direct contact. Classic X-Files mistake right there.”

Another user, ButIcanollie11, noted an unusual detail, saying, “It has tiny breasts.”
User No-Ability4674 suggested, “It looks like an alien fetus.”
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