Newborn Baby Cries All Day No Matter What Parents Do, after a While They Check His Crib

Panicked, Walter searched the area and found the janitor again, carrying the bag of money. Walter followed him and, when the janitor stopped at another set of lockers, Walter confronted him.

“Where’s my son?” Walter demanded, his voice trembling with anger.

“I don’t know anything about your son!” the janitor stammered. “I was just hired to pick up and drop off the package. I swear!”

Seeing the fear in the janitor’s eyes, Walter realized he was telling the truth. He opened the locker to find it empty—someone had stolen the money.

Walter’s heart sank. How could he face Abby now? Worse, Logan was still missing. When Walter returned home, he discovered that Abby was gone. Her belongings were missing, and she wasn’t answering her phone.

Initially, Walter feared Abby had been kidnapped too, but as he thought about it, he began to piece things together. Abby had insisted on paying the ransom and had left abruptly after feeling sick. The horrifying truth dawned on him: Abby had orchestrated Logan’s kidnapping.

Desperate, Walter devised a plan. He contacted a doctor from the hospital where Logan was born and arranged for him to make a fake phone call to Abby, claiming Logan needed urgent medical attention due to a rare condition. The ruse worked, and the doctor informed Walter that Abby would bring Logan to the hospital.

The next day, Walter watched from a distance as Abby arrived at the hospital with his brother, James, holding Logan. The police were ready, and as soon as they entered, officers surrounded them.

“You’re under arrest for kidnapping,” an FBI agent declared, taking Abby and James into custody. Abby protested, claiming Logan was sick, but Walter stepped forward, stating coldly, “Logan is fine. He’s coming home with me.”

As Abby was led away, she delivered one final shocker. “Logan isn’t even yours! He’s James’ son!”

Walter was stunned, but the betrayal took a back seat. He had Logan back, and that was what mattered most.

“I’ll adopt him if I have to,” Walter vowed. “He’s my son, and I’ll raise him, no matter what.”

With that, Walter left the hospital, determined to give Logan the loving home he deserved.

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