Only 1% Can Solve These Classic Riddles – Are You One of Them?

Think You’re a Genius? Solve These Three Classic Riddles!

Do you have what it takes to be among the top 1% of problem solvers? Put your brainpower to the test with these three classic riddles. Choose the best answer and check if you got them all right!

Riddle 1:

What has a head and a tail, but no body?
A) A coin
B) A snake
C) A comet
D) A lizard

Answer: A) A coin
A coin has a “head” (heads side) and a “tail” (tails side) but no actual body.

Riddle 2:

What has a heart that doesn’t beat?
A) A deck of cards
B) A robot
C) A statue
D) A clock

Answer: A) A deck of cards
A deck of playing cards includes the “hearts” suit, but, of course, they don’t actually beat like a real heart.

Riddle 3:

What begins with T, ends with T, and has T in it?
A) A teapot
B) A tent
C) A test
D) A toast

Answer: A) A teapot
A teapot starts with “T,” ends with “T,” and has “tea” inside it!

So, how did you do? If you got all three correct, you might just be a riddle master! Share this with your friends and see who else can crack the code.

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