People Share Their Dating Experiences That Went Horribly Wrong

Some dates go so wrong that you wish they’d end before they even begin. Here are some cringe-worthy and unexpected dating mishaps shared by real people.

Few experiences are as exciting as a promising date—the anticipation, the laughter, and the hope of a real connection. But not every date leads to romance, as these stories show.

1. Thank Goodness It Ended
A woman shared her disastrous date on Reddit, where things fell apart fast. Her date spent the first hour complaining about his life, leaving her no chance to speak. At the restaurant, he ordered for her without asking, spilled his drink, and berated the staff while boasting about his homeland.

When she suggested splitting the bill, he yelled at her. She left her share of the money and walked out, but he followed her home and tried to force himself on her, saying she “owed” him. She pushed him away, threatened to call the police, and slammed the door. The next day, his aunt defended him, but she made it clear she didn’t care to hear from them again.

2. A Quick Escape
One man remembered a date where his companion insisted on dining at an expensive restaurant. She ordered pricey dishes but spent the entire time on her phone. Sensing his frustration, the waitress offered to split the bill. He accepted, paid for his meal, and left her to cover her own.

3. An Odd Request
At 18, a man in the Air Force was set up on a date by his roommate. His date brought along an oversized stuffed rabbit named Pebbles for comfort during their movie outing. Later, she requested that he kiss both her and the rabbit goodnight, to avoid jealousy. He obliged, and although she was quirky, he found the date surprisingly enjoyable.

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