People Share Their Dating Experiences That Went Horribly Wrong

4. Family Movie Night
A man was set up on a blind date, but his experience took an odd turn when his date brought her parents and younger brother to the movie. After enduring 20 minutes of the brother kicking his seat, he excused himself and never returned.

5. A Shocking Split
A woman shared her experience of a date at the London Zoo. When they arrived, her date asked her to cover her ticket, but then he used a two-for-one voucher, leaving her to pay while he entered for free.

6. A Clear Red Flag
During a dinner date, a woman was stunned when her date’s wedding ring fell out of his pocket. Realizing he was married, she left cash on the table and walked out, disgusted.

7. An Engaging Exit
On a first date, a woman casually revealed she was engaged but unsure about her relationship, so she was dating others to “see if she changed her mind.” The man wasted no time asking for the check and making a quick exit.

Have you ever had a date take a terrible turn?

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