In a fast-paced world, small acts of kindness remind us of the goodness in people. Here are some heartwarming moments to brighten your day and inspire you to pay it forward:

“My son, who has ADHD and autism, started having a meltdown on the train. A couple initially chatted with him, but a kind stranger named Dan stepped in, calming both my children. The journey became peaceful. Thank you, Dan—you have no idea how much your help meant to me.”
—©Gayna Pealling

“I grew up in poverty, staring at airplanes, wondering if I’d ever board one. We couldn’t afford a TV, phone, or refrigerator, but my dad prioritized my education.

Today, I earn more in a month than he did in his lifetime. Despite traveling globally for work, I keep every boarding pass as a reminder of how far I’ve come. These tickets, dating back to 2007, are my treasures.”
—©Hu Merida
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