Because the twins were born two months early, they spent several weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) before they were able to go home.

The twins are known as “mono di twins,” meaning they have separate amniotic sacs but share the same placenta, making them identical. What makes their situation even more extraordinary is that both girls have Down syndrome, a rare occurrence estimated to happen in only one out of every two million births.
Savannah is committed to showing that, despite their unique condition, her daughters are just like any other children. She firmly believes that they will achieve great things, as they are full of love, have beating hearts, and the ability to communicate.
Savannah regularly updates her followers on TikTok, sharing each milestone her daughters reach. She hopes to inspire others by reminding them that anything is possible with determination.
As a young mother, Savannah has faced some negativity on social media regarding her daughters. One particularly harsh comment suggested that if the commenter had been in her situation, they would have given the babies up for adoption.
Savannah responded with grace, stating that her daughters were born to the right parents—herself and her husband—who would love and cherish them unconditionally. Her response serves as a powerful reminder that love and compassion are what truly matter.
Let’s share Savannah’s inspiring story in celebration of her and her beautiful daughters on Facebook!