In today’s digital world, where content spreads rapidly, it’s no wonder that a simple math brain teaser has captivated the internet. The $100 puzzle, which asks users to determine how much money a store lost when a thief stole a $100 bill and made a purchase, has garnered millions of views and sparked heated debates among puzzle enthusiasts.
The brain teaser, shared on X (formerly Twitter) by the account Out of Context Human Race, presents a seemingly simple scenario: A man steals a $100 bill from a store’s register, then uses that same bill to buy $70 worth of goods, receiving $30 in change. The question is, “How much money did the store lose?”

As the puzzle gained popularity online, the comments section was flooded with responses. Some confidently claimed the store lost $100, while others argued the total loss was actually $130, factoring in the stolen $100 and the $30 in change. A few even suggested that the store’s overall loss depended on the profit margins of the goods sold.
The key to solving this brain teaser lies in understanding the scenario’s details. While it might seem obvious to say the store lost $100 due to the theft, the situation is more nuanced. When the thief used the stolen $100 bill to make a purchase, the store effectively regained that $100. However, the store had to give $30 in change, leading to a net loss of $30 in cash.
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