We Gathered All Our Neighbors for Our Housewarming Party and Were Shocked They All Showed up in Red Gloves

Regina and I couldn’t help but laugh at the idea of a spirit, but strange things started happening—garden tools mysteriously moved, odd symbols appeared in the dirt, and we heard whispers outside our windows at night.

One day, we found a small voodoo doll wearing red gloves on our porch. That was the last straw. We decided to confront our neighbors.

Gathering everyone in our living room, I asked, “What’s going on with the gloves and the strange things happening around our house?”

To our surprise, the room erupted in laughter. Mrs. Harper stepped forward, smiling. “It’s all a prank!” she said, explaining that the gloves, the ghost story, and the strange occurrences were part of a long-standing tradition to welcome new residents.

Regina and I laughed along, relieved that it was all in good fun. A few weeks later, we hosted another party and got even with a playful prank of our own, planting fake bugs around the house. Our neighbors laughed as they found them, and we realized we had become true members of the community.

As we closed the door after our last guest left, Regina leaned into me and said, “I think we’re going to be very happy here.”

“I agree,” I replied. “Though next time, we’ll ask about the traditions before we move in!”

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