When the captain’s voice is heard speaking to the poor, heavy woman on the plane, the rich man mocks her. -A

Soon after, dinner was served. As the flight attendant placed trays in front of them, James smirked again. “Are you sure that’ll be enough for her? She looks like she could eat for a village.”

The attendant ignored him and moved on. “Rude, wasn’t she?” James commented to the woman, but she remained silent. As he dug into his meal, he mentally composed complaints about the service.

Just as he was finishing, the flight attendant returned with a smile. “Excuse me,” she said, “The captain is a big fan and would love to invite you to the cockpit.”

James, surprised, realized she wasn’t speaking to him but to the woman beside him. She smiled shyly and nodded, getting up with the attendant’s help. James watched in shock as she was led away.

Soon, the captain’s voice came over the speakers: “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special guest on board today! Fans of I Love Opera will recognize the beautiful voice of Miss Allison Jones!”

The cabin filled with applause as the woman sang a few bars of a famous aria. The passengers cheered and clapped. James cringed, realizing the woman he had insulted was a renowned opera singer, flying to perform at a charity concert for world hunger.

The flight attendant returned, her tone icy. “Listen, buster,” she said. “I don’t care how rich you are. Upset that woman again, and you’re going straight to economy.”

James, caught off guard, muttered an apology. “It’s not me you need to apologize to,” she snapped.

When Allison returned, now signing autographs for other passengers, James stood awkwardly to let her back into her seat. “I’m sorry,” he said, forcing a smile. “I had no idea who you were.”

Allison looked him straight in the eyes. “It doesn’t matter who I am. You shouldn’t treat anyone like that. Ever. And no, you’re not sorry. Would you be apologizing if I wasn’t famous? You may judge my weight, but you can change your attitude.”

James sank into his seat, silent for the rest of the flight, reflecting on her words. By the time they landed, he hadn’t said another word.

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