Woman sends list of rules to wedding guests – soon a lot of them start cancelling

Every bride dreams of a perfect wedding day. While some details, like the dress, venue, and catering, can be carefully planned, there’s no guarantee everything will go smoothly. One bride thought she had everything under control, but quickly discovered that her vision wasn’t shared by everyone.

Seeking advice, the bride turned to Reddit’s “Am I The Asshole” (AITAH) community to ask if her expectations for her wedding guests were too demanding. Her post immediately sparked a heated debate, with people divided over her approach. The bride explained that she and her fiancé had sent a list of rules to their guests, which led to a surprising number of cancellations.

She emphasized that these rules weren’t just her idea—her fiancé fully supported them. One of the main rules was an “unplugged ceremony,” where guests were prohibited from using their phones during the event and dinner, except in a true emergency.

While most guests accepted the no-phone rule during the ceremony, many felt that extending the restriction to dinner was unnecessary. Parents, in particular, voiced concerns about not being able to check on their kids, but the bride stood firm, stating, “Checking with your kids is not an emergency. If something serious happens, you’ll know.”

Another rule required all guests to follow a strict black dress code. Women were to wear dresses, and men had to wear tuxedos, with no exceptions. This upset several guests, including her aunt, who had recently begun wearing colorful clothes again after mourning the loss of her husband.

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