Woman sends list of rules to wedding guests – soon a lot of them start cancelling

Wearing black again felt depressing to her, but the bride refused to compromise. The bride also denied her future sister-in-law an exception, despite her struggles with body dysmorphia and her preference for wearing pants to feel comfortable.

The couple had also pre-ordered bridesmaid dresses months in advance and required the bridesmaids to maintain their weight, whether that meant gaining or losing a few pounds. This rule angered the bride’s mother, who said the wedding was “doomed from the start,” and even caused some bridesmaids to consider dropping out. As more guests canceled their attendance, tensions grew higher.

The bride’s maid of honor also had a conflict. She was planning for her daughter to be the flower girl, but the bride asked her to leave the child at a hotel with a babysitter during the ceremony. The maid of honor refused and arranged for her daughter to stay with her mother, as the venue was four hours away. As a result, the bride lost her flower girl.

Despite her explanations, most Reddit users found the bride’s rules overly rigid and labeled her and her fiancé as the “assholes” in the situation. While some agreed that a couple has the right to organize their wedding how they see fit, many pointed out that guests have no obligation to follow unreasonable demands and can simply decline to attend.

The overwhelming consensus was that the couple’s strict and inflexible expectations were pushing their loved ones away.

What’s your take on this couple’s demands for their wedding guests? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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