After hearing this veteran’s kind greetings, Sparks and her mother were placed at a table across from where he was seated. Throughout their dinner, Sparks’ attention remained on the vet, and she watched him eat his meal with a huge smile on his face. Then the waiter walked up to the man’s table. In a restaurant full of people, the patient waiter took particular care of this veteran.

The employee gave the veteran all the time in the world, listening to his stories, laughing with him, and providing a little company for this guy who shouldn’t have had to eat alone. It was beyond what’s expected of him as a waiter, but it was clear that he had a deep respect and general compassion for this man.
After being moved by the incredible customer service and wanting to pay it forward, Sparks and her mother called the manager over and asked if they could cover the veteran’s tab. With a smile, the manager was proud to tell her, “Ma’am, someone else already has.” Evidently, everyone seated in the veteran’s section at Texas Roadhouse felt the same way as Sparks, and everyone wanted to pay for this man’s dinner. Everyone in the section grinned when the waiter told him that his meal was covered. C Sparks recalled the man then left, telling everyone on the way out that he hoped they had a good night.

It’s moving to see that regardless of how many people ignored this man, there were more amazing Americans who recognized him for the hero that he is. We need to watch out for our veterans and be kind to them. Many are shouldering a lot of pain from war and what they have seen and experienced, all to defend our freedom and pay that tab for us.