Expert Shares The Reason Nobody Has Ever Found Human Remains Inside The Titanic

While this may sound like the beginnings of a conspiracy theory, there’s a simple explanation for the lack of human remains aboard the doomed ship. Experts have revealed that the conditions were not able to preserve corpses during the years the Titanic remained undiscovered on the floor of the Atlantic.

“The issue you have to deal with is, at depths below about 3,000 feet, you pass below what’s called the calcium carbonate compensation depth,” Titanic explorer Robert Ballard explained to NPR. “And the water in the deep sea is under-saturated in calcium carbonate, which is mostly what bones are made of.

For example, on the Titanic and on the Bismarck, those ships are below the calcium carbonate compensation depth, so once the critters eat their flesh and expose the bones, the bones dissolve.”

Another Redditor simply put it: “She was discovered in 1985. Any human remains (if any) would be long gone. Flesh doesn’t last long 2.5 miles underwater.”

According to Titanic Universe, experts have also argued that a storm on the night of the tragedy scattered the bodies of those in life jackets across a huge radius, meaning it’s unlikely they came to rest anywhere near the wreckage.

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