Happy couple shares 10th anniversary picture online, promptly gets flooded with worried calls

Thomas and Sienna were celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary with a special night just for them. As they reminisced about the cherished moments they had shared over the years, they looked forward to many more years together.

Following their tradition, they prepared for a photo to commemorate the occasion. As the camera’s timer counted down, Sienna thought she heard a faint noise from the hallway. Dismissing it, Thomas embraced her, and they smiled for the photo.

Sienna shared the anniversary photo on social media, not realizing it would soon lead to something unexpected.

The next morning, she was jolted awake by a barrage of notifications. Among the congratulatory messages, there were numerous comments inquiring about a mysterious face seen in the background of their photo.

Curious, Sienna examined the photo and indeed noticed a face appearing in the background. She mentioned it to Thomas, who suggested it was just a shadow. Despite his reassurance, Sienna couldn’t shake off the uneasy feeling.

She remembered the noise she had heard when the photo was taken and asked Thomas to check the house. He did so but found nothing unusual. “Relax, love. It’s probably nothing,” he said with a chuckle. “Let’s not dwell on it. We’ve got lunch plans, remember?”

As they headed to their car, Sienna noticed the same eerie face on the car’s window but was too frightened to speak up. She screamed and turned around, only to find no one there.

Later that night, a strange noise from within the house made it clear that someone—or something—was inside. Thomas confirmed he could hear sounds coming from downstairs. Despite Sienna’s concern that they couldn’t call 911 for a ghost, Thomas dialed emergency services.

As they cautiously approached the kitchen, they were startled to find a malnourished boy who immediately began crying. His face was tear-streaked and covered in snot, and he looked both scared and hungry.

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