For a scrumptious corn on the cob experience, selecting the finest corn is key. Here are some pointers to assist you:
Opt for verdant, moist husks that are tightly enveloped.
Assess the kernels by gently peeling back a portion of the husk. They should appear plump and well-developed.
Steer clear of husks that are dry or brown, as they signify older corn.

Determining Cooking Time:
The boiling duration for corn on the cob hinges on its freshness and size. Here’s a general reference:
Fresh and tender corn: 4-6 minutes.
Slightly older corn: 6-8 minutes.
Larger ears of corn: 8-10 minutes.

Cooking Instructions:
Let’s dive into the cooking process! Follow these straightforward steps to boil your corn on the cob:
Step 1: Strip away the husks and silk from the corn, then rinse under cold water.
Step 2: Fill a sizable pot with water and bring it to a vigorous boil.
Step 3: Submerge the corn in the pot, ensuring not to overcrowd it to promote uniform cooking.
Step 4: Reduce the heat to medium-high and allow the corn to simmer for the designated cooking duration.
Step 5: Using tongs, delicately retrieve the corn from the pot once it’s cooked.
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