Kathy Bates: A Brave Warrior Fighting Against Cancer

Stories of Hollywood stars facing health challenges remind us that they, too, are human. Academy Award-winning actress Kathy Bates recently opened up about her battle with cancer during an interview on the Dr. Phil show. Known for her courage on-screen, Bates has also shown incredible bravery in her personal life, overcoming cancer twice.

In 2012, Bates revealed that she had been cancer-free for nine years after her battle with ovarian cancer. However, she recently faced the devastating news that she had developed breast cancer. She described the moment she received her diagnosis as being in a room scarier than anything from “American Horror Story.”

Bates had previously endured ovarian cancer in 2003, keeping her struggle largely private while undergoing intensive surgery and chemotherapy. She confided in only a few, including PEOPLE magazine, stating, “It really took a lot out of me, but I didn’t want anyone to know.”

Her resilience helped her overcome ovarian cancer and remain cancer-free for many years. Yet, when her doctor informed her of the recurrence in her breast, Bates, aware of her family history with the disease, chose to fight on. She opted for a double mastectomy to combat the spread of her breast cancer.

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