My Mother-In-Law Doesn’t Want to Eat Thanksgiving Dinner I Cook, Plans to Bring Her Own Meals

She shared the extensive menu she had planned, expressing disbelief that her mother-in-law couldn’t find anything to eat from such a diverse selection. Despite feeling hurt, the woman decided to take the high road and focus on ensuring a perfect Thanksgiving for her guests, choosing to ignore any negativity from her mother-in-law.

In an update, the woman expressed gratitude for the advice received and resolved to handle the situation with kindness and grace, prioritizing the happiness of her family. She remained hopeful that her mother-in-law might try something new and enjoy the meal, but affirmed that even if she didn’t, it would be okay.

Redditors were invited to share their thoughts on how the woman handled the situation and whether she should have uninvited her mother-in-law or allowed her to join the Thanksgiving dinner despite her mood being ruined.

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