My Sister Demands I Be Her Surrogate Despite Knowing It Would Endanger My Life

Years later, OP and her husband had a son despite the high-risk pregnancy. Doctors advised against further pregnancies due to potential health risks. Recently, they returned to their hometown to be near OP’s ailing grandfather. Strangely, her mother and sister began behaving kindly towards her, leading to a surprising family dinner invitation.

During the dinner, OP’s sister presented her with a card, which OP hoped contained an apology. Instead, it was a letter from her sister, announcing her infertility and asking OP to be her surrogate. OP declined, citing her health concerns, but her family accused her of selfishness, asserting that for family, risks should be taken.

Feeling bewildered and guilty, OP sought advice from Reddit users, questioning her decision not to become her sister’s surrogate. The responses overwhelmingly supported OP, affirming her right to prioritize her health and reject unreasonable demands from her family.

In conclusion, OP grapples with her family’s expectations while navigating her own well-being. The Reddit community rallies behind her, urging her not to succumb to guilt and advocating for her autonomy and safety.

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