Single Dad Helps Old Lady Mow Her Lawn, Soon Gets a Call from Her Lawyer

Felix noticed his elderly neighbor, Mrs. McAllister, struggling with her overgrown lawn and rushed to assist. Grateful for his help, she insisted on giving him an unusual antique box as a thank-you gift. However, this seemingly kind gesture soon leads Felix into a troubling situation when her lawyer calls to request an urgent meeting.

While managing his handyman business’s monthly reports, Felix heard the sound of a lawnmower. Looking out the kitchen window, he saw Mrs. McAllister battling with her lawnmower, using one hand while balancing with a cane.

Felix hurried over to help her. Mrs. McAllister, clearly exhausted, switched off the lawnmower.

“Felix, is there something I can help you with?” she asked, breathlessly.

“Let me handle this. Your son should be helping you with these chores,” Felix said, concerned.

After several hours of work, Mrs. McAllister invited Felix inside for a lemonade. Felix was struck by the disarray and clutter in her home, indicating she might need more help.

“Here’s a glass of lemonade,” Mrs. McAllister said, placing it on the table. “And I’d like you to have this antique from my family.”

Felix examined the heavy metal box with strange dials and hesitated. “I don’t need anything for this,” he said, trying to return it.

Mrs. McAllister insisted he take it and also gave him a bag of apples for his daughter, Suzie. Exhausted, she sank into her armchair.

Felix asked Mrs. McAllister to call him if she needed help again and left her to rest. Later, Suzie excitedly showed him the box she’d found under the apples.

“Dad, look! I think it has a combination lock, but I can’t open it.”

Felix decided to return the box to Mrs. McAllister. When he arrived, she didn’t answer, so he entered to find her slumped in her chair, having passed away.

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