Teen Wakes In Agony During Sleepover, Notices Bad Burns On His Neck Let’s See Why

In the aftermath of the incident, Sergeant Keith Wilson with the Sherwood Police Department said, “We’re now talking with our school resource officers who are working with school administrators to educate all the students to not do this and that this is not a joke. These kids could seriously injure someone, and you can be facing felony charges.”

There were adults at the house on the night Nicholas was severely injured by a group of boys claiming to be his friends, but those adults were asleep. This is a nightmare scenario for kids and their parents alike, as it could seemingly happen to anyone. Nicholas Conrad’s story serves

as a crucial reminder to parents that they can never be too careful when discerning whether or not to allow their children to spend the night at other people’s houses. Even as teenagers, kids can be susceptible to the dangerous games their friends have planned without their knowledge.

For this reason, many parents no longer allow their kids to attend sleepovers at all. Unfortunately, in this day and age, you simply cannot be too careful. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

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